† Indicates First-Authored Research


Identifying the Cumulative Causal Effect of a Non-Binary Treatment from a Binary Instrument with Jacob Goldin
[ Draft | NBER WP | Accepted, Review of Economics and Statistics ]

Working Papers

The Claiming of Children on U.S. Tax Returns with Geoffrey Gee, Jacob Goldin, Joseph Gray-Hancuch, and Ithai Lurie
[ Draft | NBER WP | Conditionally Accepted, National Tax Journal ]

Valid Inference on Functions of Causal Effects in the Absence of Microdata
[ Draft | arXiv | Under Review ]
Winner of Walter Heller Memorial Prize (Best 3rd Year Paper)

Selected Work in Progress

Racial Penalty in Job Ladder Transitions with Briana Sullivan and Itzik Fadlon

Normalizing and Pooling Rank-based Regression Discontinuity Designs with Matias D. Cattaneo, Gordon B. Dahl, and Xinwei Ma